La Vida’s new Activity and Training Center (ATC) was constructed with the purpose of creating an indoor space that our programs could rely on during inclement weather. This building is located near the Balance and Mobility Center at the Brigham Athletic Complex.

The space will be used for activities such as, Discovery classes, Adventure camp groups, Trainings/Seminars, Teambuilding/Low Ropes, and other large group events such as; staff recruitment meetings, parties and Adventure Camp celebrations.

We have already been making good use of the space. Just recently, we had a local group of 10 people come and use the space for a half-day of teambuilding and low ropes activities because the weather was calling for rain. Our Discovery instructors have used the space for a few classes this fall and we also held our annual La Vida Board Meeting there in November. I hope you will join us in celebration and thanksgiving to God for this beautiful new building.

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Photos: Nathan Hausman