An Inside Look at a La Vida Expedition
The foundation of a tight community is one built on trust and dependability. On a La Vida Adirondack Expedition, you will not just talk about trust, but will live it out through the various challenges your group faces. You will experience what it actually means to trust someone who is holding your rope while you are rock climbing. If someone is struggling with the weight of their backpack, the group will work together to lift that burden. While navigating the Adirondack wilderness together, the group will bond while hiking or canoeing, cooking meals for each other and sharing stories around the campfire at night. All of these experiences take place in God’s beautiful creation and are meant to point each individual towards strengthening their relationship with Jesus and with one another.
Trip Leaders
Staff You Can Count On
La Vida takes pride in training staff so they have the confidence and ability to handle any situation that arises on the trail. Staff are past and present Gordon College students along with other carefully selected, caring young adults. Your trip leaders are trained in wilderness medicine and receive extensive training on outdoor skills, spiritual formation and La Vida philosophies.
Adirondack Expedition Values
Challenge by Choice
Even though we believe it’s beneficial for our participants to learn how to overcome challenges, we follow a “challenge by choice” approach. This means each person decides exactly how far they want to push themselves when stepping outside their comfort zone. No experience or above-average physical strength is needed—just a desire for growth, adventure and fun.
Redefine Success
At La Vida, we believe that success is not always dependent upon completing activities and is not based on comparison. Both succeeding and failing are valuable learning opportunities and shape us as individuals. If someone gives 100% during an activity, yet doesn’t finish successfully according to the world’s standards, La Vida still views that as a success because they put forth their best effort.
How La Vida Can Serve Your Group
La Vida provides space and guidance for God to work in the lives of everyone on the trip. Groups find that spending extended time in nature away from cell phones and other distractions can help them connect deeply.

Schools use La Vida Adirondack Expeditions as a way to help first year students bond or as a capstone for senior year. We work with the group leader to create a custom experience that will be the best possible experience for the students.
ADK Expedition Reviews

“La Vida has challenged my faith to lean on God when I felt physically overwhelmed. It challenged my character to become more mature.”
–Jeff, La Vida ADK Participant

“Throughout La Vida, I’ve really been forced to rely on Christ and his plan, even his plan for just the day. I always love feeling in control of my circumstances, but this trip has allowed me to release my control and give the reigns to Christ.”
–Haley, La Vida ADK Participant

“The experiences I have had at La Vida have taught me so much confidence, which permeates my daily life, and so much about service which influences the way I interact with others.”
–Claire, La Vida ADK Participant

“Perseverance, steadfastness and persistence have been increased. Learning how to be a better encourager and active listener has enhanced my leadership abilities. Growing deeper in Christ versus in ministry has been the theme for me on this trip.”
–Duane, Pastor
Get in touch!
September 1–May 15
La Vida Adirondack Expeditions at Gordon College
255 Grapevine Road
Wenham, MA 01984
May 15–August 31
La Vida Adirondack Expeditions Base Camp
460 County Route 50
Lake Clear, NY 12945
Adirondack Expeditions is a program of the La Vida Center for Outdoor Education and Leadership at Gordon College located on the North Shore of Boston. La Vida houses six different programs for the community including an adventure day camp for middle and high schoolers, a rock gym and challenge course activities for all ages. La Vida provides spiritual development and leadership experiences for Gordon students as well as community organizations utilizing Gordon's campus and our Base Camp in the Adirondack mountains of New York.