By Abby Stroven
Thanks to a generous donor, 16 kids from local urban areas participated in our summer programs. The Lion of Judah Church, located in downtown Boston, sent a group of seven boys and their youth leader to the La Vida Adirondack program. The Elevate New England program sent eight girls from Lynn to the La Vida Adventure Camp.
The boys from Lion of Judah spent ten days in the Adirondack wilderness with their youth leader, Wilson Santos. Throughout the trip, the group learned the importance of daily devotionals, perseverance and working as a team to overcome challenges. For the first time in their lives, they experienced rock climbing, ropes course activities, hiking, cooking outside, sleeping in tents and a solo time of prayer and reflection. This experience gave the boys a deeper understanding of who they are and how God has uniquely gifted them. It also gave them a deeper understanding of who God is and how much he cares for them.
Here are some quotes from the boys in response to the questions, “How has La Vida challenged your faith, character, or leadership abilities? How have these challenges helped you grow?”
“Solo got me to forgive my dad.”
“La Vida taught me to be patient and slow to anger with others because in hikes, it did not help.”
“It has challenged my faith by making me trust in God to fill me up during fasting.”
“It has challenged my character by making me appreciate everything I have. It helped me grow so I don’t take things for granted.”
“La Vida has really made me accept the fact that I have the factors of a leader.”
“It helped me focus on my faith walk.”

The Lion of Judah youth group after their rock climb.
The girls from the Elevate New England program attended Adventure Camp for four days. The theme for the week was “Selfless Not Selfie.” They too, for the first time, went rock climbing, mountain biking, kayaking and participated in the low and high ropes course. Throughout their experiences, they learned the importance of serving others, making good choices and working together as a team.
Here are some quotes from the girls in response to the question, “What lessons did you learn at Adventure Camp?”
“I learned the importance of listening to others’ ideas.”
“I learned to conquer my fears.”
“I learned the importance of supporting each other.”
“I learned about teamwork.”

The Elevate New England group with their camp counselors.
Both organizations are making plans to send new participants next year if we have the funding available.