It’s been about two weeks since the COVID-19 pandemic led to a nation-wide shutdown on schools, daycares, businesses and many of our everyday conveniences. Our routines are gone, and our lives are turning over as quickly as the shelves at the grocery store. Balancing work, homeschool, childcare and a semblance of social life means that “normal” as we knew it is gone for the moment.

We’re flooded with information, and how we react (or don’t react) breeds insecurity. Should I take my child to the playground? Is it ok for Grandma and Grandpa to come over? Should I keep my doctor’s appointment for my annual check-up? I see people wearing gloves at the grocery store, should I be doing that? We are in uncharted territory.

Where do we find our hope?

God’s word tells us that He “is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”1 The rug was pulled out from under us. But God is not surprised. He knows the outcome and is already at work bringing restoration to our world.

And although “God doesn’t promise our current hard season or transition will end the way we want it to… he does promise he’ll be with us all the way through it.”2

As in all things, God assures us that he is Immanuel, God with us, a God whose presence, encouragement, hope and strength will arrive when we need it most.

Besides the hope we have in Jesus, we wanted to share some practical tips that are helping us get through each day. 

Redefine success

We teach this to our La Vida participants and it couldn’t apply more to our parenting than now. Remember, the “normal” as we knew it is gone for the moment. This means that we can’t continue as we had been. Some things are going to have to give, and we might not feel as productive as we did before our lives were interrupted. Each person can look at their day and see realistic, not hopeful and not lowest bar, expectations.

Take time for self-care

Go for a walk, get some exercise and fresh air, take time in the morning for prayer and meditation. Your responsibilities just increased greatly, and it’s important to preserve your mental health through this crisis.

Make a commitment move and reach out

We need community now more than ever. Who do you know that may be struggling? Reach out! Don’t wait for the other person to make the first move. Your phone call may be what makes their day. Encourage your children to check in with a classmate or have them FaceTime a family member that lives far away. Write a letter to someone that you haven’t seen in a while. Step out of your comfort zone to show your care for others. We may not be together, but that doesn’t mean we have to be alone.

Grant grace

Most norms for our lives and in the lives of our kids are gone. We don’t generally respond well when this much happens to us in a short period of time, so give yourself grace. Make sure to extend compassion to those around you as they are in crisis, too. Aim to have extra patience with your spouse and children after a long day. And attempt to withhold from judging the person at the store with multiple packages of toilet paper in their cart. The more patience you can find with others, the more you’ll have for yourself.

Be here now

This extra time we have with our kids and spouses really is a gift. Look at this as an opportunity to be present with them and get to know them better. Enjoy the extra snuggles, bedtime stories and conversations. Try not to think of this time as being “stuck” at home but of having the chance to grow deeper in relationship with those who are home with you.

Keep pressing on, and let’s lift one another up in prayer. If you have a specific prayer request, please email [email protected], and we will pray for you!

Learn more about the La Vida Center

1Psalm 46:1
2Jensen, E. W. (2019). The Gospel and Our Transitions. In Risen motherhood (p. 60, 62). Eugene: Harvest House.

Collaboratively written by the La Vida office parents (Kate, Amber, Nate and Bryn)