We asked Sam Craig, one of our staff members this summer, to share his thoughts on life at base camp and also to share some of the photos he’s taken since the beginning of the summer. Here is what he has to say:

At 5:40am…

In the early morning, dim light filters through a thin fog that blankets the base camp lawn. A fire is lit and the early risers huddle next to the warming wood stove, with their Bibles and their silence. In bunks and beds the majority of the La Vida staff are still asleep, until suddenly, numerous and sporadic alarms beep and sing like electronic songbirds welcoming their friends to a new day. As slow moving figures, like ghosts, the staff float around the cabins–putting on warm layers, gathering their thoughts, and then drift their way through the fog to the main cabin. A few smiles shine in the early morning, like streams of light streaking through the fog, but not all these ghosts have fully awaken to the dawning the new day. Now those smiles, that pierce the clouds that surround most of us in the early morning, remind us that it is good to live in community.

The F-18 always provides fun in the kitchen.

The F-18 always provides fun in the kitchen.

At 6:55am…

The bell rings and we all gather in the main cabin to give thanks before breakfast. As our early morning conversation and jokes subside, we hold hands and lift up our hearts to God for the day ahead, as well as the food (we love our cook!). At the breakfast table the volume of voices directly correlate with stomachs and by the end of breakfast a new bit (small comedy routine) has usually formed and has inspired soft chuckles and giggling. These bits often lead to some new improv game that will continue to develop throughout the rest of the day. After our tummies have been filled, clean up begins and dancing ensues, which often presents a fun morning aerobic exercise that wakes up the body and the mind as well as the heart.


Eleanor our Gear Manager

At 9:00am…

Work begins and this includes a variety of tasks, projects, and workshops each presenting the staff with moments to further develop their relationships with each other and to do life together. As we work and as we play, smiles abound and this is because we all have a common goal: to give glory to God in all that we say and do. As we learn about the protocols and policies of La Vida–we give glory to God. As we wash and dry the dishes–we give glory to God. And as we enjoy and share each meal–we give glory to God. And we give glory through being present with one another, laughing with one another, and praying with one another. It is in the everyday that God’s light and love shine and we celebrate each day together because God’s love stirs within our hearts. And so we dance when we clean and we sing when we work because it is truly a blessing–to live in Christian community here at the La Vida Base Camp!

Sam loves blueberries. These should start coming in about 2 weeks.

Sam loves blueberries. These should start coming in about 2 weeks.

A turtle walking through the base camp. We named him Charlie.

A turtle walking through the base camp. We named him Charlie.


Stephen taking a break from working on the Noonmark cabin.



Sam Graduation


Sam Craig, Gordon College ’15