Why Risk It

Thoughts by Bryn Clark on Alex Honnold’s Free Solo The Christian doctrine of imago dei (Latin: ‘image of God’) holds that within each person there exists the stamp of God’s own divine image. “Let us create man in our likeness” the Triune God declares at creation. The...

Icelandic Grace

A Glimpse of the Compass ministry in Reykjavik By: Bryn Clark It is a beautiful, warm summer’s day in Reykjavik. In Elliðaárdalur, a park in the east part of the city, laughter can be heard over the babbling river running through the park’s center. Rounding a bend...

Compass Alumni Spotlight: Sam Elkins ’13

For Sam Elkins, a participant in the 2013 program, Compass was instrumental to his faith. Compass introduced Sam to a Christian community where brothers and sisters challenged him in his walk, showed him grace when dealing with sin, and, in all things, pointed him...