Last weekend 20 students from Gordon College had the opportunity to hike Mt. Major in Alton, NH.  It is a 4 mile hike roundtrip with 1,150 feet in elevation gain.  Here is what one student had to say about the trip:

“It was a cool Saturday morning that we set off for New Hampshire to hike Mt. Major. There was a mix of ages and experience level in our group. The 24 people arrived to the parking lot in good spirits. There was singing, good conversations, and a not so subtle excitement for the day. We gathered around to begin our day with the word and some prayer. The trail was busy that Saturday. There were groups of people hiking up and hiking down. It was a relaxing day that we got to spend in God’s creation and with God’s people. We were hiking at an easy conversational pace which was exactly what was desired. When we got to the top in just a few short miles, there was a beautiful view. The group took pictures and admired the view. Although it was chilly on the top, we huddled down on the other side of the mountain and ate some lunch. We layered up, took pictures, talked, ate, and relaxed. When it got a little to chilly to resist moving, we took a group picture and then headed down. On the way down, I found even more great conversations happening and as we waited for the whole group to reconvene we played some fun games on the side of the trail! Overall, it was a refreshing Saturday spent in the great outdoors with some great people from Gordon.”- Rachel Stalker, Junior at Gordon College












