We are so excited that you have chosen to participate in La Vida’s Adirondack Expeditions!

For the journey ahead, what you will need to thrive in the wilderness will be on your back. Think about that for a second: the necessities for entering into the wilderness for an extended period of time can be carried comfortably on your back!

Wilderness expeditions provide the opportunity to strip down to the basics of what we need and escape the land of many objects. One of the great parts of camping is that, for the most part, you only bring what you really need.

You will discover quickly that you need a lot less to enjoy your time in the wilderness. So, with a mindset of packing effectively and efficiently, let’s put the pack back in backpacking!

Step One: Get organized

Once you have registered for your expedition, you will receive a packing list that includes what you will need to be prepared for the eclectic weather and terrain that our participants experience in the Adirondack wilderness.

The packing list can also be found on the La Vida website.

There are so many different items of clothing to pack, gadgets to try, and unexpected circumstances to prepare for—that, at a first glance, the packing list can be overwhelming.  Before even thinking about what you may need to get, lay out everything you intend to bring on your La Vida trip. Go through the list and mark what you have, need, and are unsure about. This will help you get an idea of what you may need to purchase or rent prior to the trip.

Then, in order to keep your gear water-resistant, pack what you can into zip-lock bags. We suggest using freezer bags that have the traditional zipper closure versus the slide lock (these tend to break after a few days). This practice does not only limit the chances of your equipment getting wet, but also compresses items so that you have more room in your pack.

It is inevitable that, once you are out in the woods, you may realize you should’ve brought that extra fleece layer or that your hiking boots are two sizes too big. Give yourself grace when preparing for a trip such as La Vida, as every trip has different terrain and weather depending on the time of year you will be traveling. One of the very first activities that all La Vida students complete is a thorough gear check. Your La Vida leaders, or Sherpas, will double check what you have packed to ensure you have what you need for your trip. There will be an opportunity to borrow some gear that you may have forgotten at home when you first arrive at our base camp.

Some of these items include:

  • Backpack (both for hiking and canoeing trips)
  • Boots
  • Fleece jackets/pants
  • Rain jackets
  • Sleeping bag/pad
  • Hats/gloves/wool socks

Step Two: Get gear

Once you’ve gone through what you have, think strategically about what you will need to purchase. Do not feel obligated to go to REI and purchase every Patagonia item on the racks. While their products are durable, they can be expensive and you may be able to find a cheaper option or rent items from our equipment building.

When purchasing an item, ask yourself the question: Will I use this after my expedition? A lot of the time the answer will be no. If you find yourself in this situation, rethink potentially pricey purchases and ask friends or family members if they have anything you can borrow.

If you have trouble finding equipment at the store, you can make a gear purchase through La Vida.

Your Sherpas will instruct you on the proper way to pack your backpack, with the addition of group gear (tents, camping stove, water filter, etc.) and food. The weight of your pack will vary depending on the size of your trip, but generally will weigh roughly 30–40 lbs. This weight will only decrease as your expedition continues and as you enjoy the prepared meals.

Step Three: Get excited!

Our former equipment manager, Eleanor Ragon, has thought long and hard about what it means to prepare for a wilderness expedition such as La Vida. Ragon said, “One of the most important things you can bring along with you is not on the packing list. The one thing that you need to have to be well equipped is confidence. Be confident with your choice, be confident with your gear, be confident in yourself and be confident in your faith. This will be a truly life-changing experience you are about to partake in, so buckle up and get ready! You will be challenged and stretched in ways you would never imagine and emerge a different and stronger person—more sure of yourself and more sure of where God has placed you.”

We are very excited to go on this expedition with you and hope, as your trip approaches, you look at packing as another beautiful part of the journey.

Feel free to stop by the La Vida Center for Outdoor Education and Leadership at Gordon College if you have any questions or want a second opinion on the gear you are planning to bring.

Happy trails!