Adirondack Expeditions and Retreats
“Wow, thank you all so so much! Mom of recent La Vida participant. What an amazing experience and wonderful guidance and leadership he experienced. I wanted to personally thank you…for all you did this summer for so many. I am humbled. We are blessed.”
We received this email shortly after one of the expedition trips this summer and the mother went on to ask how we chose the Isaiah 40 verse on the plaque. We explained the long-standing tradition of this verse going back to the early La Vida trips in the 70’s. Her response was astounding.
“I had the Holy Spirit lead me to pray this exact section of scripture for my son for the last 4 years. I tucked it into a tiny card I laminated for him to take with him. The exact 4 verses, he had with him the whole time and then got to see how God works amazingly in all of us by having this gorgeous gift given him by La Vida. This is encouraging for me too as mom to see him grapple with his questions and to come to a deeper level of trust.”
Praise God for how he works in ways that we cannot comprehend!

We interviewed many of the participants coming through the expedition and retreat programs this summer. Here’s what they had to say:
Adventure Camp
“I appreciated the variety of activities that allowed Mae to challenge herself. She came home everyday happy and reporting about all the great fun she had.” –Camper Parent

“Matias had the best time with you all, everyone was so nice and helpful with him and you have no Idea how much I appreciate that, he grew and learned so many things and I am sure he will never forget this summer. Of course he wants to come again next year!” –Camper Parent

Adventure Pursuits
“The group did not know each other before the day of the experience. La Vida really helped to bring them together and get to know each other in a comfortable way.” –Kendall from Compass Path

“The name games and elements challenged the students to think critically.” –Nate from Fitchburg State University Upward Bound Programs

Rock Gym
“The kids loved the party and it was great to see their confidence grow as they conquered the walls. None of the kids had rocked climbed before so some were nervous – it was a great experience and I think they all walked away more confident in themselves!”
–Deborah, Parent from Rock Gym Birthday Party

Learn more about our programs for all ages at