A Farewell Letter from Nate Hausman

It was the spring semester of my first year at Gordon College. I found myself walking to the basement of Frost Hall to visit the La Vida office and speak with Rich Obenschain. Contemplating a change in my major, I had discovered a newfound passion for creating fun,...
Finding “La Vida” in Forest Bathing

Finding “La Vida” in Forest Bathing

By: Lauren Berg “It’s the best thing I’d never do again,” is something I’ve heard Gordon College students say after their 12-day La Vida Adirondack trips. It’s said lovingly of their experience, an acknowledgment of the profound moments they encountered spiritually,...

Westwood Woods

By Dave Hanna The outdoors has always been magical to me. Alive, transformative, peaceful and restorative. It is the place I feel closest to its Creator, because everywhere I look I see the finger of God. Each plant contains everything it needs to know so it can grow,...