Frequently Asked QuestionsWhere can I register for La Vida Adventure Camp?
In efforts to preserve the environment and keep costs down, we are working towards going paperless. All camp registration is now online and available here. If you register but do not receive a confirmation e-mail, please contact us at 978.867.4504 to confirm that our system processed your registration correctly. All necessary information should be available through our website or in your confirmation email.
What age do children need to be to attend camp?
In order to attend the Pathfinders program, it is recommended that campers be 10 years old by the beginning of the camp session they’re attending. Our policy for registration is that Pathfinders campers turn 10 by August 31st of the summer they are attending.
In order to attend the Explorers program, it is recommended that campers be 14 by the beginning of the camp session they’re attending. Our policy for registration is that Explorers campers turn 14 by August 31st of the summer they are attending.
In order to attend the Trailblazers program, it is our policy for registration is that Trailblazers campers turn 15 by June 1st of the summer they are attending. For more information about the Trailblazers program, click here.
In order to apply for the Adirondack Leadership Program, campers should have completed one year of high school and turn 15 by the end of August. For more information about ALP, please click here.
For more information about our Counselor in Training program (for 16–18-year-olds), please click here.
Are 10-year-olds placed with 15-year-olds? Can my child be with four or more of their closest friends?
We do our best to organize groups while looking at a range of factors, including age of campers and any friend requests made. So while 10- and 11-year-olds may be grouped together, 10- and 13-year-olds will not, and Explorers (our 14- and 15-year-olds program) have a separate day-to-day schedule as well. This means 10-year-olds will not be placed with 15-year-olds.
Upon registering, you’ll receive an automated confirmation email for the transaction as well as a separate email sent by our Registrar with additional forms. Those forms include a space to make any friend requests.
We would recommend that campers not request friends who are more than a year different in age as it often leads to one of them being the only one of their age in a group. In addition, we would ask that you prioritize one or two of your child’s friends to be with. Having run into significant issues with several friends being together in a single camp group, including the isolating effects on other campers within that group, we aim to spread large friend groups across multiple camp groups, partnering each camper with at least one of their friends.
We take time to thoughtfully form our camper groups the Thursday before a camp session. Any camper requests made before we begin (so by Wednesday evening) are taken into account. This is a lengthy process. After groups have been made, requests can no longer be honored.
We think that camp is a great opportunity whether or not you know someone in your group. Several of our current and former Counselors in Training and staff experienced Adventure Camp without knowing anyone in their group. Their experience was so enjoyable that they returned year after year and continued to invest in the lives of campers. We hope your camper, whether coming in with a friend or not knowing anyone, will have a similar fun time!
What time is camp drop off and pick up?
Registration for camp on Monday opens at 8:45 a.m. Camp runs from 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Monday–Thursday. There is no pick-up for the Explorer campers on Thursday (because of the overnight campout). Friday includes an end-of-week Camp Celebration for campers and families beginning at 3:30 p.m. and finishes up at 4 p.m.
Are campers allowed to leave early?
Yes. If you know your child will be missing a day of camp, needs to leave early or will be late, please call our camp registrar at 978.867.4504 to let us know. Talk with your child’s counselors to find out what activities they will be missing.
What should my child bring to camp?
- Backpack
- Lunch
- Water bottle
- Swimsuit and towel
- Rain jacket
- Hat and/or sunglasses
- A warmer layer in case of colder weather
- Sunscreen
- Bug spray
- An adventurous attitude!
A packing list for campers staying overnight at Gordon or in New Hampshire will be provided the week of camp.
What equipment do you provide?
For the overnight camping trips, all tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads and cooking equipment can be provided.
What if my child can't swim or ride a bike?
Whenever participating in water activities, there will be a lifeguard on duty. In addition, for all activities in a depth greater than 3′, all campers must wear a lifejacket. If a camper does not feel comfortable getting in the water with these precautions in place, other options can be discussed.
Our biking specialists are trained to teach campers the basics. All groups start with an assessment on a beginner trail before potentially attempting more advanced trails when warranted. If a camper doesn’t feel comfortable biking with the group, we may have them join another group for that activity time. Once mountain biking is over, they can rejoin their original group.
What happens if it rains?
It depends on the severity of the rain and whether or not the storm includes thunder and lightning. In cases of light rain on a warm day, we often continue enjoying camp outdoors. But in times of more severe weather, we have many indoor spaces around campus that camper groups can use. In those situations, our registration, drop off, and pick up location moves from the field across from the Bennett Center (“C” on this map, next to the “P1” parking area) to Jenks Library. In these cases, communcation will be sent out prior to drop off or pickup with more information on the location change.
What does a typical day look like for the Pathfinders (ages 10–13)?
9 a.m. | Drop-off |
9:05 a.m. | Staff skit and announcements |
9:15 a.m. | Games |
9:45 a.m. | Morning snack |
10 a.m. | Team-building initiatives |
11:45 a.m. | Character discussion |
12 p.m. | Lunch |
12:45 p.m. | Adventure activities |
3:30 p.m. | Moment for reflection |
4 p.m. | Pick-up |
What does a typical day look like for the Explorers (ages 14–15)?
How does the Adirondack Leadership Program (ALP) differ from other camp options?
What is the Camp Celebration on Friday?
The Adventure Camp Celebration runs from 3:30 p.m.–4 p.m. on Fridays. Parents, siblings, and campers are invited to attend this indoor end-of-week Celebration, which includes a staff skit, a video and a slideshow. The slideshow, video and camper skits will be available on our YouTube channel.
What does Christian perspective mean?
Why did your price increase?
Do you offer discounts or financial aid?
We offer an early bird discount for campers registered by January 31 and another $25 discount for placing an Adventure Camp yard sign in your yard in late spring through the beginning of summer. Yard signs may be returned at the end of each camper’s camp week or kept for the following summer and additional discounts.
A 10% sibling discount is applied to each sibling attending Pathfinders, Trailblazers or Explorers (for the same number of weeks). Please notify the La Vida offce immediately at [email protected] if you think this discount applies to you. The yard sign and sibling discounts do not apply to Adirondack Leadership Program participants.
A 50% discount is available for Gordon College Faculty/Staff. The discount is applied to all the weeks their camper/s register for. Use this link to verify your Faculty/Staff status.
We at La Vida care about all campers, and we don’t want cost to prevent anyone from coming to camp. Thanks to our community of supporters, financial aid is available. If interested, apply with these forms.
Contact us with additional questions about discounts or financial aid.
Does Adventure Camp qualify as childcare for tax purposes and some work reimbursement programs?
I've heard great things about Adventure Camp. How can I help other children attend?
We appreciate your enthusiasm! If you have someone specific in mind, feel free to coordinate camp registration fees directly with that camper’s parent or guardian. If you’d like to remain anonymous, we can act as a “go-between” to provide a child’s camp opportunity without revealing your identity. If you don’t have someone specific in mind, please consider donating to our need-based scholarship fund, mentioned above. If you have questions or other ideas about how to positively impact campers’ experience, please contact us. We also appreciate reviews on Google.
Get in touch!
255 Grapevine Road
Wenham, MA 01984
Adventure Camp is a summer program of the La Vida Center for Outdoor Education and Leadership at Gordon College located on the North Shore of Boston. La Vida houses six different programs for the community including our summer day camp for middle and high schoolers, a rock gym and challenge course activities for all ages. La Vida provides spiritual development and leadership experiences for Gordon students as well as community organizations utilizing Gordon's campus and our Base Camp in the Adirondack mountains of New York.

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